Hello, welcome to English Kids Story with Katrina. I’m Katrina. I create this show to inspire families to enjoy stories together. I do the same with my family. On my show, I teach English words and read a classic story. I write the stories myself. I read clear and slow English. The show is under 6 minutes. The show comes out Tuesday and Friday morning New York time. Please like and subscribe.
Today I will read, "Little Red Coat" from Grimm's Fairy Tales. This story is about being smart.
We will learn 3 words. Coat. A coat is clothing for a cold day. Wolf. A wolf is an animal in the forest. Lake. A lake is a lot of water. Listen for the words in the story. Coat. Wolf. Lake.
Let's begin.
Little Red Coat
One day a girl went to her grandma’s house. The girl’s favorite color was red. The girl wore her red coat. The grandma’s house was in the forest. The girl walked in the forest. She walked and walked. Then she heard, “Hello, where are you going?” It was a bad wolf. The girl said, “You are a bad wolf. Go away.” The girl walked and walked. She saw her grandma’s house. She said, “Grandma, hello!” She heard, “Hello!” “Grandma, is it you?” said the girl. “Yes!” She looked into the window. “Grandma, you have big eyes!” “Yes, I can see you!” “Grandma you have a big nose!” “Yes, I can smell you!” “Grandma, you have big teeth!” “Yes, I can eat you!” Then the wolf opened the door. The wolf wore grandma’s hat. The girl said, “You are the bad wolf!” The girl pulled grandma’s hat over the wolf’s eyes. The wolf couldn’t see. The girl went into grandma’s house. She closed the door. The wolf said, “Girl where are you? I can’t see you!”The wolf ran in the forest. Then the wolf fell into the lake. In the house, the girl looked for grandma. Grandma was sleeping in the bed. The girl said, “Happy birthday grandma!” Grandma was very happy. The end.
This story is about being smart. The girl did not listen to the bad wolf. She stopped the bad wolf.
I’m Katrina. My show comes out Tuesday and Friday morning New York time. Please like and subscribe. Thank you for listening. Goodbye until next time.