Hello, welcome to English Kids Story with Katrina. I’m Katrina. I create this show to inspire families to enjoy stories together. I do the same with my family. On my show, I teach English words and read a classic story. I write the stories myself. I read clear and slow English. The show is under 6 minutes. The show comes out Tuesday and Friday morning New York time. Please like and subscribe.
Today I will read part 7 of My Father's Dragon. In the last part, my father met a rhino. My father gave the rhino a toothbrush. The rhino used the toothbrush to clean his horn. What animal will my father meet in part 7? Let's listen to the story.
Today we will learn 3 words. Berry. A berry is a kind of small fruit, like a strawberry. Snack. A snack is a little bit of food. Paw. A paw is an animal's hand or foot. Listen for the words in the story. Berry. Snack. Paw.
Let's begin.
Part 7
My Father Meets a Lion
My father said goodbye to the rhino. The rhino was busy cleaning his horn. My father walked and walked. Then he heard a noise. He heard someone talking. My father hid behind a tree. Then he saw a lion. The lion had gold and yellow color hair. The lion was standing near a berry plant. The plant had black and red color berries on it. The lion pushed the plant with his paw. The berries fell off of the plant and onto the lion's long hair. The lion had black and red color berries in his hair. He was not happy. The lion said, "Oh no! My hair has berries and leaves in it." Then the lion saw my father. My father could not run away. The lion was too quick. The lion stopped my father. The lion said, "I am very hungry! I want to have a snack." My father said, "Please don't eat me! You can eat the berries." The lion said, "I can't eat the berries because they are in my hair. I can't get the berries out of my hair. My paw is too big." My father said, "I can help you! My father opened his backpack. He took out a hairbrush. My father said, "Use this hairbrush to brush your hair! Then the berries and leaves will come out." The lion put the hairbrush in his paw. Then he brushed his hair. The berries came out. The lion ate the berries. He was very happy. The lion said, "The berries are delicious! And my hair is so soft."
That's the end of part 7. This story has 10 parts. I’m Katrina. My show comes out Tuesday and Friday morning New York time. Please like and subscribe. Thank you for listening. Goodbye until next time.